What is a Favicon ????
Favicon is also known as Favorites icon, a small image associated with a website or web page or a blog. Normally it is a square image (eg. 125x125, 250x250 ...) in blogger. The following are the 2 Methods to upload your favorite image as Favicon in blogger as well as in any website.
Step 1. Go to Blogger dashboard >> Layout
And now click "Edit" under Favicon as shown below.
And now click "Edit" under Favicon as shown below.
Step 2. Now browse the image you want to upload as favicon.
NOTE: The image should be square less than 100 KB.
Square image means equal width and height. (eg. 150 x 150, 72 x 72, ..............)
Step 3. Save changes to get your favorite favicon.
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon